Sleep Magic trainings are on Clubhouse and Facebook and are  sacred spaces to get free training and support in how to Sleep easily, stay asleep longer, and draw blissfully into yourself every benefit, feel-good hormone and sleep vitamin your optimized and restful slumber gives you.

Follow me on Facebook and Clubhouse, and turn the notification bell on “Always” so you don’t miss a single thing. Follow @maryamwebster on Instagram for notifications, add-on Parties and treats!


Sleep Magic Sumber Parties on Clubhouse ARE NOT RECORDED, and must be experienced Live! These are the parties where Advanced Dreamtime communal acts of service World Healing, PLUS personal transformation happen, and are offered free as a service to the community.


Facebook Live Sleep Magic Sumber Parties happen on my Evolutionary Living page. Follow the page and turn notifications on “Always” so you don’t miss a single segment of the Sleep Magic Training Channel modules.